Posts Tagged ‘google’

5 Useful Google Apps aka 5 Reasons Why Google Controls My Life

July 15th, 2011 by Tony de Jesus 0

*+-Google is more than a search engine. It’s true that they are known for having the best and most popular search engine but Google is a big company that hosts and develops a number of Internet-based services and products. In this article I’ll show you 5 great Google online applications and you’ll understand why I’m […]

Using google to find free .pdf, .mp3, .avi and other files

April 24th, 2011 by Tony de Jesus 2

*+-While surfing the web, you’ve probably found some websites that allow directory listing, i.e. that display a set of files contained in a specific folder of the server. In most cases, these files are not only .html files. I’ve already found many websites displaying images, .pdf files, .mp3 files and even video files. Here, you […]