Sites of the Week #12
This week, my collection of websites contains an excellent presentation using HTML5 to show some of the new features of HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript (remember to use a HTML5 capable browser like Google Chrome or Safari). It also contains a great CSS3 patterns gallery, a Javascript library that will tell you if your website is being loaded in a modern or an older browser, a website with a collection of patterns and finally a website that tells you why you should not use Comic Sans font everywhere .
HTML5 Rocks: HTML5 Presentation
A great Interactive Presentation written in HTML5 that demonstrates all exciting new stuff in HTML, CSS and Javascript a number of features with examples. You can use this presentation to learn more about HTML5. It was developed by Google.
CSS3 Patterns Gallery
Lea Verou is a skilled web developer who has created this amazing gallery with a lot of CSS3 pattterns. Yes, that’s right, only CSS3, no images. And she also is generous and gives us all the required CSS code to accomplish each pattern.
Modernizr is an open-source JavaScript library that allows web designers to take full advantage of everything in HTML5 and CSS3 that is implemented in some browsers. It detects whether the current browser supports CSS3 and HTML5 new features and elements, allowing you to use the browser’s native implementation. We all hope that, in a few months, libraries like this won’t be needed, because all browser’s developers will release new versions allowing their browsers to support all new HTML5 stuff and all users will install these updates and all developers will live happily ever after.
Tileables is a website which creates and shares various sets of beautiful patterns.
Comic Sans Criminal
Comic Sans Criminal is great and well designed site aimed to reduce inappropriate use of Comic Sans font. It features a good navigation: you only need to click anywhere on the page and the next “slide” will automatically appear in the center of the page.
Did you find a really amazing website showing a new concept, an original design or a brand new feature? Are you the owner of a website that offers new solutions? Send me the URL via email (blogtonyjesus
com) or Twitter and tell me why you think it should be posted here.