Sites of the Week #10
For the collection of sites of this week, I have selected some websites that I already knew but consider very useful:, and “Nerd Communications” and “10k apart” complete the list.
Nerd Communications
Imagine being a hybrid of filmmaker, architect and cook. A clone of a writer, psychologist and gardener. Imagine being born in the 80s, living in 2015 but feeling at home in the 60s. Imagine, all the time, having images, sounds and ideas in your head that are so strange you do not know whom to share them with.
Imagine you are one of us.
The creators of Ben the bodyguard (one of the sites of the last week), Nerd Communications, have one of the best websites that I’ve seen in my life. Click on the link and yes, Be Curious… You’ll love it!.
10K apart
Could you build a complete web application using less than 10 kilobytes? Well, some developers answered: Oh yeah baby! The submitted 367 web applications prove it. If you check the list of applications you will found from casual games to Rich Internet Applications.
Carbonmade is a website where you can manage your online portfolio with a set of tools that allow you to change how to display your work.
Midomi is a website where you can search music by singing or humming. There are about one million contributions to its index based on user contribution in multiple languages.
TinEye is a reverse image search engine. It finds out where an image came from, how it is being used, if modified versions of the image exist, or if there is a higher resolution version.
Did you find a really amazing website showing a new concept, an original design or a brand new feature? Are you the owner of a website that offers new solutions? Send me the URL via email (blogtonyjesus
com) or Twitter and tell me why you think it should be posted here.
Very nice selection of sites!